Wednesday 18 January 2012

AmberSIN coming and going on Myfreecams

AmberSIN KeriRowland on Myfreecams MFC
For those members who know who AmberSIN is, then you know that back in November Amber announced that she would be leaving the cam world forever. The reasons why she was leaving can be read on her twitter account. Anyway, she made some recent holiday appearances in December where she gave some unforgettable performances in addition to selling her videos.

However, she has been making more frequent appearances this month. The difference now is that she has changed her screen name to KeriRowland. So if you have not seen this hot sexy woman, then she is well worth the visit. Why is she making more frequent appearances after she announced that she was leaving? Well I really don't know. But if you follow her twitter feed then you know when she will be on or what she is currently up to. For now, as long as she is making her return appearances on myfreecams, I highly recommend visiting her while you still have the chance.


  1. More spam from chaturbate (above) they must be getting desperate :)

  2. More spam from chaturbate (above) they must be getting desperate :)
